Friday, June 21, 2013

Black pants, always make you look slimmer

I am sorry for not posting for the last two days! But it comes out that my wisdom tooth decided finally to appear and the pain has been killing me. So... even though I tried to refuse with all my strenght, Andrew practically warned me he is taking me to the dentist next week. I hate dentists!!! Mine is really awesome, but for some hereditary thing in my blood I will always be scared of them, no matter if they allow you to have ice cream afterwards!
Anyway, here is the outfit. Honestly I didn't put a lot of effort on it, because I was not feeling too good, and the indoor sunglasses are because I am not wearing any make up and still I am trying to hide somehow my massive eye bags, but still, I am back!! :) Love you all! I promise I will post more during the next weeks. I still have to write some entries about wonderful girls willing to share their pics :)

The pants were a gift from my cousin last year

Make up: Not wearing any!

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